so good. for me, the recharge, reset is part of the writing process. my creative process is long, circuituous. listening to the bird conversations in spring, mating and fight calls mostly, gave me a wonderful poem entitled what keeps me here. Thank you Miz Connie for letting me know how wierd I am not! and all this starnge punctuation and lower case start to sentemces is deliberate, too. Im no bell hooks, I just write. Let the copyeditors fix it. lol

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I'm listening to the birds outside my window as I type this. Always warms my heart. Nature is inspiration for our creative souls. No, you're not weird. Far from it. Time out should be a matter of routine, especially for those of us who like being creative.

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Yes but it gets mistaken sometimes. We are what we are. If we weren’t, there would be no stories, no books. What a dystopian world that would be. I need a lot of down time. INTJ😉

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I just noticed your acronym at the very end, INTJ, and admit I had to look it up--introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging. Seems that writing would be a good outlet for this personality type.

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